AIESEC Internship - Leonardo da Vinci

On this blog you will find all the juicy AIESEC - Leonardo da Vinci experiences of the great 20 young people enjoying live in a foreign country!!!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Cornelia - Athens, post no 1

The first 2 weeks in Athens passed fast!
We tried to see as many things as possible, not yes succeded. We begas visiting the greek islands to, the first one was the closest one, Aegina. It was realy beautiful.
At work we began the research for the project. Everyone of us has a different project theme. Mine is "What the romanian banking system should expect from the EU integration - analysing the case of Greece". It is very interesting. We hope we will have some good results.
We are also trying to get some greek language courses so wewill finally understand what everybody is saying!
have fun wherever you are, see you soon!


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