AIESEC Internship - Leonardo da Vinci

On this blog you will find all the juicy AIESEC - Leonardo da Vinci experiences of the great 20 young people enjoying live in a foreign country!!!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Ela & Codruta - Athens, post no 1

Salut Corina
Ce faci?.. banuiesc ca bine, daca ai ramas la fel de "roz".. Si in Grecia e super bine, iar noi..avem un weekend prelungit, caci luni biroul este inchis. Saracutele de noi......
Dupa cum stii, eu si Mihaela locuim impreuna, lucram impreuna, motiv pt care trimitem un singur mail, caci facem acelasi lucru. Te-am ruga sa ne trimiti si adresele persoanelor carora trebuie sa le trimitem mail-l la 2 sapt..
In continuare, iti "povestim" ce s-a intamplat de cand am pasit pe taram grecesc....
We arrived with the airplaine,on sunday and the AIESEC people received us, it was a warm welcome.. We went to our apartment, on Derigny Street and it was a nice surprise, because we like the place we are living in. In the next days, a member of AIESEC showed us the surroundings ( supermarkets, bus/metro stations, how to get to work, how to get to the beach, to the places that we wanted to visit....)
Our first day at SCI Hellas ( the NGO we are working in) was wednesday,19th July, at this meeting we talked about our Job Description, the people who we are working with, the persons who will help us, about the organization.
In these tree months,we will work together at the :
I newsletter
II web site
III branding, promotional campaign;
Last week, we did a research on : SCI Hellas activities and it's competitors, websites. We established the next steps and tasks in a meeting we had with our coordinator-Yota,our colleague Rigas and our "boss" Adonis- a really nice guy ,smart and open minded and he really showed interest in finding out our opinion regarding different aspects of branding the organization- great!!!!!
We visited a lot of famous places, in Athens - Acropolis, Temple of Zeus, Ancient Agora, Roman Agora, Lycavitous, Monastiraky....let us tell you about the party and about the picnic we had yesterday with AIESEC people-really fun.
We would to emphasis the fact THAT WE REALLY WANT TO LEARN GREEK but until now we could not find the opportunity...let's hope we will have succes in out next attempts.
We have to go right now,
keep in touch
bye bye
Mihaela & Codruta


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