AIESEC Internship - Leonardo da Vinci

On this blog you will find all the juicy AIESEC - Leonardo da Vinci experiences of the great 20 young people enjoying live in a foreign country!!!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Roxana - Wroclaw, post no 1


My first 2 weeks here in Poland were great despite the problems occurred. I am going to write every thing step by step...
1.Activities taken in the organization
This 2 weeks my job was to learn everything about The Cultural, Sportive and Touristic Center in Radkow this being the organization that I work. The thing here are not very good but the new director told me about his plans of rebuilding the area so that it will bring tourist in summer but also in the winter time. So a few months ago tougether with a similar organization from Czech Republic they applied for a grant offered by the European Union to reestablish the area of the Sudety Mountains. They obtained the grant and now they start the rebuilding process:
- a sand beach for the lake;
- reconstruction of the children's camp;
- a center with computers with soft programs and Internet for young people from Radkow to study informatics and English and to develop;
- a place for biathlon competition in the winter time;
- and the reestablishment of the old monuments and churches.
The main thing is to make a area that attracts tourist all over the world and to develop the local civil society making it a profitable one and helping the young people to develop.
For this 2 weeks my tasks here were to get to know the Radkow area and the places around so I was visiting a lot of catholic churches, the spas with mineral water, the museums with traditional things, the mountains and the ruins of castles in the area. I have to say that it was great. The places are beautiful and after the reestablish I am sure that will attract hundreds of tourist.
Starting this week I will be involved in creating presentation materials and establish contacts with young people from Romania in order to create a permanent cultural exchange.

2. AIESEC activities taken in the LC

In fortunately I wasn't involved in any activities in the Wroclaw LC because I live and work in Radkow and the only time that I can go in Wroclaw is during the weekends. Until now there were 2 weekends, one I was in Wroclaw visiting the city and the other one I was in Kielce at the Reception Weekend. Radkow is not very far from Wroclaw but it it very difficult to get there (I need to take a bus from Radkow to Klodzko for an hour and from Klodzko I have to take a train for other 2 hours, so 3 hours on the rod plus 1 hour waiting for the train). I must say that I am not very happy about that because I was hoping to be part of the Wroclaw LC activities and I have to spend a lot of money on the rod.
3. Working conditions
About this subject I have to say that I am a little disappointed. I was told in my job description that I would have my one computer with all the programs that I need and with Internet connection but I don't have. There are only 2 computers here with Internet but they are for people working here and I only have access once or twice a week to check my e-mails and to update my report. That is way I am writing the mail today. No computer was available yesterday. Until now that was OK because I was going to all this places that I had to know very well but now I need to do some researcher and I don't know how I can't do that.
The director is on a holiday for this week. HE IS THE ONLY ONE THAT SPEAKS ENGLISH AND NO ONE ELSE IN THE ORGANISATION SPEAKS ENGLISH and I can't communicate with them.
Another thing is that before coming here I talked with them to send me information about the place here and in the pictures that they send me there were places from this area but they don't belong to this organization so when I arrived here I was disappointed at the beginning. I am not sad about this because the project that they have to develop this region is relay great I want to help as much as possible and learn about this and be part of developing the society.
This week is going to be very hard because of the communication problems but next week the director will return and I will be working directly with him and that is going to be great.
4.Reception conditions
I have only good things about reception conditions. The AIESEC in Wroclaw is relay great. They waited for me at 2 in the morning (when I arrived in Wroclaw). When I go to Wroclaw in weekends I am staying in the AIESEC apartment which is great. My buddy, Stefan, showed me Wroclaw, he is always calling to see if I am OK, he helps me with all the information that I need. The other people from AIESEC are also great. In the firs weekend we went out. It was a welcome party, we had also a movie night. We saw "Friends" with the others trainees in Wroclaw (a girl from Germany and a boy from New Zealand).
In Radkow I am staying with a family. They are so nice to me and their girl speaks English very well so I have no problem communicating with them. I have my one room, my on bathroom, I love the house because it is a mountain house with 2 levels and a great view to the mountains.
5.Problems occurred
The problems occurred are the ones that I tell in the working conditions. I have not meet the TN manager yet because he is in Turkey but I will talk to him as soon as he comes back.
That is all for my first 2 weeks!

Outgoing & Finance Team
Trainee in Wroclaw, Poland

AIESEC in Romania

Mobile: +40 746032720


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