AIESEC Internship - Leonardo da Vinci

On this blog you will find all the juicy AIESEC - Leonardo da Vinci experiences of the great 20 young people enjoying live in a foreign country!!!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Andy - Olsztyn, post no 1

Hy girls. How are you?

There're been 2 weeks since I'm in Olsztyn, far away from my family/friends/traditional food. But I'm ok.

With the accomodation I had no problems, we rented a room in a pink house ( @ Olstyn rented for us before we arrived here). It feels like home .

We (me, Lia and Cori) are the only trainees in Olstyn at this time, so we gathered all the attention of @ members. In the first week, they took us to a walk, shopping or in a club every day. So, we have a real Aiesec Reception.

At work all our colleagues speak English, so we have no problem to communicate with them. Our foundation is involved in a EU Project and I work on this one (research on internet, presentations, some reports ... ).

I have my own office, with a computer, full access to Internet (like was written in the JD). If a need help, I have to ask someone from the foundation and they help me. I work in a young team and they are very open to show me if I don't know something.

I've learnt to do a Activity Report (time sheets for personnel) and some other materials for the SEBco project.

There was no big problems during those 2 weeks, just the normal cultural socks: at the bank we couldn't take Euro cash from the office, polish drivers are speed maniacs, polish people don't eat bread with soup and some others. But I can live with that. Hope so ...

Kisses and hugs from the warmy Poland

Andreea Monica Musat
Yahoo ID: mo4nyk
MSN ID: mo4nyka
tel 0040 743 092 594; 0040 765 683 738


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