AIESEC Internship - Leonardo da Vinci

On this blog you will find all the juicy AIESEC - Leonardo da Vinci experiences of the great 20 young people enjoying live in a foreign country!!!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Alexandra - Warsaw, post no 1


This is suposed to be a more or less official report on my first two weeks here in Poland so I will start with the begining.
Me and the other 8 roumanian arrived in Warsaw on the 16th of July with the Leonardo da Vinci Project. The others left for the cities where they have their trainship and I remained in Warsaw and since then I started my adventure here.
The first two days I was trying to get some basic informations on how to get arround Warsaw, how to get to work, how to buy something to eat and stuff like that.
I started work on Wednesday the 19 July in MONAR here in Warsaw. I am working on fund-raising and for the moment I am doing a research on grants to see for which ones we can apply, and also gathering informations and all the necesary paperwork in order for us(MONAR) to be ready for writing grant applications to the foreign funds. The only bad thing for the moment is that most of the persons that are working with me don't speak too much english so to say and to have around you all the time people that speak a foreign language that you do not really understand is a bit stange.
Also in the street is very difficult to find a person that can understand english and ocasionally speak english from the older people , but from the young ones you can find enough that could point you in the right direction if you get lost for example.
For the moment everything is going well only that the data gathering is a beat slow because some of the people in MONAR are still on vacation but from the next week they will start to come back to work and then everything will be moving faster.
That would be all from work: researching.
I also got to know something more about MONAR and the way it works, it's projects, to whom are they adressed to, how are they getting the funding for their actions and programs.
More informations about my work and my new tasks in the next report.
Now about AIESEC Reception here in Warsaw, I could say that I am happy with the way that I was receved and involved in their activities for the moment mostlly reception for other trainees comming to Poland.They also showed me around Warsaw and went to the movies and siteseeing. For them also this is a slow time because of the summer vacations.
This last week-end I have been to the Reception Week-end organized in Kielce and the area around it. I went there by train with the reception coordinator from AIESEC Warsaw University.
The first night there we spent it in a dormitory outside Kielce and the second one in a camping and between the moving we visited a lot of castles and palaces in ruin and a cave.
It was a great oportunity to meet the other trainees from different LCs in Poland and also the other roumaniens.
Now I am bach to my job starting a new week.
And for the moment that would be all.
Maybe if I forgot something I will write about it in the next report.


Alexandra Chelaru

Trainee in Warsaw , LC Warsaw University
From AIESEC Pitesti
AIESEC in Romania


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