AIESEC Internship - Leonardo da Vinci

On this blog you will find all the juicy AIESEC - Leonardo da Vinci experiences of the great 20 young people enjoying live in a foreign country!!!

Friday, August 04, 2006

Bogdan - Gdansk, post no 1

17th of July - 30th of July Report– Bogdan Radu, Marek Kamiñski Foundation, Gdansk, Poland

I) I will start my report with the description of my responsibilities in the organisation, my tasks and my work until now:

1st week: 17th of July – 21st of July

My first week at Marek Kamiñski Foundation was focused mainly on getting acquainted with the organisational environment, getting to know the Organisation itself (history, purpose, perspectives) and also I was presented the Baby on Board project – the project I will be working on for the next 3 months.

At the same my first days at this workplace meant also my first responsibilities. One of the first responsibilities was to contact some Saami Families from Norway. Then I did the same thing with the Amish Families from United States of America and I also made a list of possible collaborators from United Kingdom.

Another task I had to fulfil was to create the content for the web-site concerning general data about the countries that are about to be visited during the Baby on Board project. I finished this task in the last days of the week when I also made a list with some international Chains of Hotels and Travel Agencies that also have offices in Poland and contacted them at the same time.

2nd week: 24th of July – 28th of July

I started my week with collecting tourist information for the 20th countries targeted for the Baby on Board – attractions, tourist destinations, unexplored places, etc.

I also started to work on the Product Sheet with the description of the Baby on Board project – creating at the same time a new template to be used for the project’s/organisation’s general documents. I created at the same time a Sponsor’s Sheet, which also contains a short description of the Marek Kamiñski Foundation.

This week I started to target and to contact Mormon (LDS Church members) persons from Utah, United States. I also contacted some other UK representatives of the upper class for collaboration. I received some positive answers from a Mormon Organisation and from a District Representative from United Kingdom.


II) Concerning the accommodation – I stay at a student hostel from Gdansk.

The Reception and the Servicing of AIESEC Gdansk UG does not meet the International Exchange Quality Policies and Standards but considering that they have few members in the Local Committee and the Executive Board was on vacation I can say that this fact is understandable.

I was present at the Reception Week organised by Local Committee Kielce between 29th of July and 30th of July.

No major problem occurred during my first 2 weeks of stay in Gdansk, Poland.


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